Klaipėdos uosto teritorijoje esantis paminklas Prancūzijos karo belaisviams bus perkeltas į visuomenei labiau prieinamą vietą. Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija dėl paminklo perkėlimo sutarė su Prancūzijos ambasada Lietuvoje.
14 million test kits flown to Linz from Shanghai / Converted Airbus A330 in action four times
Sensory Accessible Event certification is a first for an event in the region and in World Expo history
The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) and Messe München announced that the 2+2 event will be held September 21-24 at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, California. The joint event, possibly the first international gathering of industry professionals since COVID-19 ground everything to a halt, will bring together air cargo leaders and experts from other transport modes, as well as from logistics service providers to discuss logistics and innovation.
Visual illustration of number of tankers involved in the Canal crossing
There are currently around 30 tankers above 25,000 dwt waiting to cross the Suez Canal. We expect most vessels in ballast will decide to wait until the situation clarifies and, if fixed on a charter party, will likely get cancelled by charterers through protection clauses related to missing agreed upon laycan dates. This will no doubt affect vessel supply on both sides of the Canal, as well as market rates. Black Sea-Med Aframax seems to be leading the charge with WS170 on subs late on Friday 26th.
Images courtesy Suez Canal Authority
The 20,000 TEU container ship Ever Given may be a feature of the landscape at the Suez Canal for days or weeks, according to professional salvors. Salvage experts say that the boxship's position - wedged between both of the canal's banks like a closed butterfly valve - will make this operation more complex than simply pulling a stranded vessel off a beach.
Resilience in the face of volatility during an extraordinary year. That was the message from The Swedish Club at its first quarter 2021 board meeting yesterday, held virtually from Gothenburg, Sweden.
Vessels flying the St Kitts & Nevis (SKAN) flag that engage in illegal activities face immediate de-registration.
Greening the Fleet – Actions and Potentials in the Inland Waterway and Short Sea Shipping Transport Sector
Photo: Karen Algaard and Per Martin Tanggaard - focused on the future of ocean opportunities.
Nor-Shipping may have postponed its summer 2021 event until January 2022, but Your Arena for Ocean Solutions is still taking #ACTION this year.
It is clear that fleet age is the leading indicator of a greener fleet and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Registry comprises the world's youngest blue water fleet with an average age of 9.4 years based on Clarksons Research's World Fleet Register (Clarksons). Furthermore, Clarksons has established "green" categories assigned to ships that invest in emission reduction technologies such as LNG fuel and alternative fuels, battery/hybrid systems, engine control optimization (Eco), and energy savings technologies (EST) such as wind and solar.
Photo: Stein Kjølberg, Jotun's Global Category Director Hull Performance
Jotun HullKeeper enables ship operators to improve hull efficiency, lower costs and improve environmental performance.
Petrospot is counting down to the launch of its inaugural summit on 30-31 March 2021.
Photo: The Beach Buddies and PlasticBusters joint clean-up operation on the Isle of Man guided by Eyesea data.
The Eyesea pollution mapping platform has been used for the first time in support of a coastal clean-up operation.
The magazine SEA has been published since 1935
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
The first magazine in Eurasia in the four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and Lithuanian