Awareness Raising Animation from the GEF-UNDP-IMO / WOC GloFouling Partnership

The World Ocean Council (WOC) – the lead GloFouling Project Partner for engaging the wider ocean business and investment community – invites interested parties to view the animation produced by the GEF-UNDP-IMO / WOC GloFouling Partnerships on tackling biofouling, invasive species and CO2 emissions worldwide.


intro covid global IRU

Last week, IRU launched a global call for immediate and concerted action by governments and global organisations to ensure the flow of goods keeps moving and to stabilise mobility networks.

There’s now £1 billion more food in people’s houses than three weeks ago.  This consumer stockpiling has led to unavailability of products for others, and there’s a real danger that if this food isn’t eaten, we will see huge amounts of food waste.


intro covidchat

Probably the toughest restriction introduced throughout the country last week is to maintain human contact while keeping a few metres distance. (And they say that Lithuanians are cold people.) However, it’s currently an internet connection that might be considered strong. Strong and powerful in all aspects, since we can communicate and survive during quarantine. Everyone will definitely have to recover afterwards, yet this period is a real fight for survival for some business sectors. They should now recall the good old saying that a crisis is also an opportunity. In the era of the internet and social networks, digital communication becomes such an opportunity during crisis. If you are quick, ingenious and fearless, you are very likely not only to overcome this tough period, but also to more quickly get back on your feet once it is over. Maybe even gain something.

in these tragic times, there are “jackals” that are trying to harm, even more than what has the virus already done, the reputation and the capacity to operate of our ports.

Refusing to ask for an extension of Brexit transition amid coronavirus crisis would be 'irresponsible', say freight forwarding chief

With the slogan “Transport keeps us going”, ESPO, together with 33 organisations has issued a Declaration stressing the essential role transport is playing in the corona crisis.


intro telecom
Norway, 23 March, 2020: Passage through Northern shipping routes and Arctic waters has received a boost following the doubling of the connectivity speed of the Iridium CertusTM network, says maritime communications specialist IEC Telecom.

Facilitating Crew Changes to Keep World Trade Moving Throughout the Covid-19 Crisis

As the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold it is vital that all governments keep maritime trade moving by continuing to allow commercial ships access to ports worldwide and by facilitating the movement and rapid changeover of ships' crews.

The coronavirus pandemic is creating huge challenges for the service partners of Messe München: Many of them have been put into a difficult financial position due to the cancellation or postponement of various events. As a way of standing by these companies at this challenging moment, Messe München has joined with relevant institutions to inform the company's service partners about ways that they can get through this event-free period. The team of Messe München conducted the informational meeting via video stream.

FORT WORTH, Texas — American Airlines is utilizing its currently grounded passenger aircraft to move cargo between the United States and Europe, ensuring the world’s goods continue to get where they need to go.


intro unnamed

As main players in the supply of essential goods and materials to European citizens, Europe’s ports are doing everything possible to ensure and guarantee the continuity of their operations in the coming weeks while protecting their staff and trying to avoid the further spread of the Corona virus.


intro Rubbish innovation   the power to transform river based pollution

When you’re trying to save the world you can be forgiven for sounding a little tired.
And Boyan Slat, the Dutch wunderkind that exploded onto the environmental stage in 2012 with a TEDx talk on ocean plastic pollution, sounds exhausted.
Speaking over the phone from his base in the Netherlands he gives the impression he’s just got out of bed when, in reality, he sorely needs to get into it. However, listening to the scale of this 25-year old’s ambitions – the work that needs to be done – it quickly becomes apparent that he doesn’t have the time to sleep.
Because Boyan Slat, as you would expect from a ‘super hero’, is fighting a foe intent on taking over the planet.

On March 13, the German Federal Government announced specific measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, the German Chancellor called on important industrial sectors – including the ports – to continue their operations. The Mayor of Hamburg has personally stressed to the management of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) the utmost importance of the port, especially in these times, as a central economic and logistical hub.

CGI Lithuania, one of the largest Lithuanian IT services providers, announces a contract with Latvian state-owned energy company Latvenergo, responsible for 70% of energy supply in the Latvian market. The scope of the project is an overhaul of Latvenergo's technological asset maintenance and management system.


The magazine SEA has been published since 1935
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
The first magazine in Eurasia in the four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and Lithuanian


International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA
Minijos str. 93, LT-93234 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone/Fax: +370 46 365753



Ltd. Juru informacijos centras

The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

ISSN 1392-7825

2017 ©