250 intro A

International catering management and training business, MCTC, has urged the industry to pull together to aid seafarers' overall wellbeing. The comments are in response to the Seafarers Happiness Index which indicates that seafarers are feeling additional pressure and stress due to the unsustainable levels of additional tasks required, to ensure maximum hygiene on vessels during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Siekiant įgyvendinti vieną iš Ateities ekonomikos DNR plano prioritetų – skatinti skaitmeninę ekonomiką ir verslą, Lietuvoje ketinama plačiau naudoti naujosios kartos technologijas eSIM ir 5G. Šiandien Vyriausybė patvirtino Susisiekimo ministerijos inicijuotą DNR plano įgyvendinimo veiksmą „Studijų ir investicijų projektų parengimas naujosios kartos technologijų (eSIM, 5G) diegimui“.

250 intro BR

„LTG Infra“ pasirašė dvi sutartis su Jungtinės veiklos pagrindu veikiančiomis VŠĮ „Kultūros paveldo išsaugojimo pajėgos“, UAB „Statybų archeologija“ ir UAB „Kultūros vertybių paieška“ dėl papildomų detaliųjų archeologinių tyrimų būsimoje „Rail Baltica“ geležinkelio atkarpoje nuo Kauno iki Lietuvos-Latvijos sienos. Archeologai darbuosis žvalgomųjų archeologinių tyrimų metu identifikuotose archeologinėse vietovėse.

INTERCARGO would like to express its sympathy to the people of Mauritius as they face the state of
environmental emergency declared as a result of the grounding of the M/V Wakashio.

No doubt once the facts are known, there will be valuable lessons to be learned from the grounding of
the 203,000-dwt bulker off the coast of Mauritius, with the resulting damage to the marine environment
and the livelihoods that depend on it.

250 intro dvv

Two years after Ecospeed was applied to the hull of a ferry in California, a second vessel of the owner was given the same lasting protection.
Subsea Industries also supplied the ferry company with its hull cleaning equipment, designed to allow the rapid removal of all types of marine fouling. This further improves the smoothness of the paint surface. It allows divers to clean the underwater hull whenever needed without damaging the coating.

250 intro JV

Synergy Group and D.S. NORDEN have formed a new joint venture to handle the technical management of NORDEN’s owned tanker vessels effective as of today.

250 intro ain (3)

Super Cargo Transport (SCT) - a subsidiary of Super Cargo Service Group just finished loading 8,500 Tons of Steel Coils on the Mecury vessel with 11,288DWT from Long An Port, Vietnam to Thailand. The services scope included chartering and shipping agency and the cargo arrived successfully to Thailand on August 16, 2020.

We congratulate Super Cargo Service for another job well done!

250 intro KVJUD nuotr.

VĮ Klaipėdos valstybinio jūrų uosto direkcija griežtina uoste perkraunamų ir laikinai saugomų amonio nitrato trąšų patikras. Papildomų priemonių ėmėsi ir šį krovinį kraunantys uosto naudotojai – pirmadienį amonio nitrato trąšų krovinį priėmusi Klaipėdos jūrų krovinių kompanija „Bega“, dar iki atvykstant laivui, įmonėje patikrino visas grandis, kad būtų užtikrintas sklandus ir saugus krovos procesas.

Lietuvoje atsiranda vis daugiau ekologiškų viešojo transporto priemonių, finansuojamų iš ES investicijų. Naujos kartos autobusai ne tik tausoja aplinką, bet yra komfortiški, saugūs, patrauklūs keleiviams. Netrukus vienas toks autobusas riedės Jonavos rajono keliais.

250 intro launch

Telenor Satellite, in partnership with Intelsat, launched a new era for satellite communications by becoming the first commercial satellite operators to perform in-orbit servicing of an active satellite in geosynchronous orbit.


Space Logistics (a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman) was contracted to deploy its Mission Extension Vehicle MEV-2 to prolong the operational life of THOR 10-02/ Intelsat 10-02 for up to five years.

World Ocean Council (WOC) Supports Thetius’ Call for Proposals from Startups and SMEs to Improve Life at Sea for Mariners

In partnership with Inmarsat and Shell Shipping and Maritime, Thetius has launched an Innovation Challenge in search for novel solutions to improve crew safety and welfare. Applications close on 16 September.

250 intro Ain

Origin Logistics continues their regular boat shipments, this time, Origin Logistics’ team in Izmır was on duty. They recently shipped a boat from İzmir, Turkey to Ashod, Israel. The dimensions of the boat was 11m in length, 3.2m in width, 2.5m in height and overall weight of 6,000 kgs.

The challenging part was the securing and lashing. Their team handled the product very smoothly and took all necessary cautions for a secure voyage of the boat. The

tarpauling, lashing of items, and the dunnaging process was managed by Origin Logistics’ team with success.

250 intro jatco3

AON member, Jatco Freight Services LLC, arranged the transportation of machinery for mechanical appliances from Abu Dhabi to Jebel Ali port for shipment going to Romania with escort. They took the responsibility all passing all the required approval from the authorities. The shipment was carried out an a 40’ Flat rack. We congratulate Jatco Freight on a job well done.

Kaunas Airport, which in the past years has been heavily expanding its infrastructure for MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul) activities, has acquired two brand-new fire rescue vehicles. Similar models are in use at some of the world's busiest airports.

Reviewing the aviation statistics of July, Lithuanian Airports recorded that the recovery of passenger flows in Lithuania takes place a bit quicker than generally in Europe. Almost 168 thousand passengers travelled via the three airports of the country within the last month of July (while in June – 42.6 thousand).


The magazine SEA has been published since 1935
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
The first magazine in Eurasia in the four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and Lithuanian


International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA
Minijos str. 93, LT-93234 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone/Fax: +370 46 365753
E-mail: news@jura.lt



Ltd. Juru informacijos centras

The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

ISSN 1392-7825

2017 © www.jura.lt