250 intro SMM

Digitalisation is the maritime game changer. This is why the digital transformation will be in focus at SMM DIGITAL, which has been given the leitmotif “Driving The Maritime Transition”. As a purely digital event, SMM DIGITAL will feature conferences with top-ranking panelists discussing current trends in Smart Shipping. International experts will report about the challenges facing the maritime industry, and highlight attractive solutions.

Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) has recently confirmed that the 12 development projects are in progress, under Kuwait’s development plan “Kuwait Vision 2035 New Kuwait”, mainly referring to these projects as the gateway to development, where ports are the portal to international trade.

250 intro LTG Cargo

Krovinių vežimo geležinkeliu bendrovė „LTG Cargo“ lapkričio mėnesį pervežė beveik 5 mln. tonų krovinių ir pagerino praėjusių metų lapkričio rezultatą.

250 intro BW Gemini


The ‘BW Gemini’, a VLGC from the BW LPG fleet, has had its MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.2 main engine retrofited to an MAN B&W 6G60ME-C9.5-LGIP dual-fuel type, capable of operating on fuel oil and LPG. The conversion is the first of 15 for a series of LPG carriers owned by BW LPG (picture courtesy BW LPG)

Total of 15 LPG carriers now set for ME-LGIP dual-fuel conversions; number of newbuilding LPG carriers ordered with LPG-burning engines set to take off

EU Mobility Strategy paves the way for Green Deal implementation but needs a vision on seaports as engines of growth and recover

Lappeenrannan kaupunki

Lappeenranta has appointed a core team to implement the European Green Leaf Year 2021. The Green Leaf project manager will be Kati Korhonen, who currently coordinates international affairs in Lappeenranta’s corporate administration.


"Seafarers are struggling as we speak!

This pandemic has made life hard and very different for all of us. Few have had as difficult a time as seafarers and their families. Throughout the crisis crews have kept working, maintaining global supply lines, including vital food and medical supplies. They have done so against an acutely challenging background. With many governments making crew change impossible, hundreds of thousands have been working well beyond the end of their contracts. Some have now been on board up to 17 months without a break. Uncertainty, anxiety and exhaustion are making many lives incredibly stressful. Those stresses have been enhanced by severe limitations on shore leave, preventing access to much needed opportunities for communication with family and simple relaxation.

An important stage of aerodrome reconstruction works has been completed at Vilnius Airport with two aircraft taxiways located in the southern part of the airport being modernised. After completing the project, the airport will have enhanced operational safety, also allowing it to handle aircraft quicker and ‘greener’

In the latest issue of SEB’s report The Green Bond, titled Pathways to Paris, we explore the journey towards a low-carbon economy by looking at topics such the industrial transformation, sustainable cities and the progress of the economic transition as well as a few selected case studies.

The European Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, will fail to achieve 2050 carbon neutrality targets as it is based on a distorted “tank-to-wheel” approach that only measures CO2 emissions at the vehicle tailpipe. This will severely limit the decarbonisation potential of commercial goods and passenger transport by road.

night city

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Medical Sciences

250 intro Loading

One of the largest and most complex logistical operations ever undertaken will launch as soon as a Covid-19 vaccine has received approval. Temperature-controlled Unit Load Devices (ULD) are expected to become a limited resource within air transportation. The increasing demand for cool transport solutions and interaction between the growing number of stakeholders will prove complex and time-consuming. cool&fly, a unique management service offered by Jettainer for temperature-controlled ULDs, is the perfect solution to maximize the efficient use of cool containers. Jettainer’s dedicated temperature control competence center in the Middle East will offer customers a single point of contact to ensure the smooth operation of the entire cool ULD journey and has been further resourced to meet the expected demand.

250 intro BIO UV Group

BIO-UV Group’s ballast water treatment system BIO-SEA has successfully passed all land and shipboard testing and is now IMO G8 approved without any operational restrictions.

Following  theworldwide news  that  vaccines  for  COVID-19  are now  a  reality,  it  isparamountthat authorities give priority to seafarers intheir vaccination programmes, says INTERCARGO, theorganisation representing the world’s quality dry bulk shipowners.

Already on the front line and proven critical to the world’s economy, performance in the global supply chain will now be catapulted into the public gaze like never before. As initial reports emerged in November of a break-through in the development of a COVID-19 vaccines, focus immediately turned to the supply chain and distribution capable of maintaining integrity and protecting the cargo from theft.


The magazine SEA has been published since 1935
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
The first magazine in Eurasia in the four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and Lithuanian


International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA
Minijos str. 93, LT-93234 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone/Fax: +370 46 365753
E-mail: news@jura.lt



Ltd. Juru informacijos centras

The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

ISSN 1392-7825

2017 © www.jura.lt