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GEODIS, a leading global supply chain operator, provides its customers with guaranteed space in an ultra-tight sea freight market from China to Europe.

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The Finnish State Railways (VR) fleet received two additional locomotives. On behalf of Trans-Trading Hamburg, the Lübeck Port Company (LHG) recently converted two Vectron locomotives numbers 35 + 36, each weighing 90 tonnes and measuring at 19,04 x 3,05 x 4,44 meters.

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A survey, part of the Interreg Europe funded project SMOOTH PORTS activities, among participants shows which measures to reduce CO2 in the Port of Hamburg are also promising from a business point of view.

A special shipment of essential medical supplies  from Poland has arrived in the UK by truck, promoting the TIR system to firms who continue to struggle with Brexit paperwork, delays and a shortage of customs brokers and transit guarantees.

  • The 2020 business year, a year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic
  • Slump in business through trade fair cancellations
  • A further developed business model and new digital formats mean that Messe München is better able to cope with future challenges

Supporting the commercial adoption of ammonia as ship fuel

The Korean Register (KR) has published a technical report outlining the safety regulations and resulting design implications for ammonia fueled ships.  The report provides essential information for industry stakeholders such as shipowners, shipyards, and equipment companies for the construction of ammonia-fueled ships.

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Star Shipping completed a wind mill project where they shipped 165 packages of 50MV wind power generation accessories. The port of loading was Lianyungang, China and port of discharge was Port Qasim, Pakistan.

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John Roger Nesje, CEO Scanreach

“There are as many, and more, upside economic consequences of a great safety culture as negative financial consequences of poor safety practices. It’s quite obvious which side shipping companies should be on, and our mission is to help them,” says John Roger Nesje, chief executive of Norwegian wireless technology pioneer Scanreach.

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2021_Photocredit Michael Zapf.This year the leading international maritime trade fair SMM was held as a purely digital conference for the first time because of the coronavirus pandemic – and it was a great success. For four days, SMM DIGITAL's two online streams with 60 hours of programming and more than 160 speakers drew numerous viewers to their screens.

2021_Photocredit Michael Zapf.

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With shipping now accounting for over 3% of global CO2 emissions, and still increasing, the innovative all-ship solution is set to revitalise an industry under pressure to reform

d’Amico International Shipping S.A. (Borsa Italiana: DIS) (the
“Company”or “DIS”), an international marine transportation company operating in the product tanker
market, announces that its operating subsidiary d’Amico Tankers D.A.C. (Ireland) (“d’Amico Tankers”),
exercised its purchase option on the MT High Priority (the “Vessel”), a 46,847 dwt MR product tanker
vessel, built in 2005 by Nakai Zosen, Japan, for a consideration of US$ 9.7 million. The Vessel was sold
and leased back by d’Amico Tankers in 2017, for a 5-year period, with purchase options starting from the
2nd anniversary date and a purchase obligation at the end of the 5th year.

Mark Millar, the author of the renowned book “Global Supply Chain Ecosystems” shared a keynote speech on COVID-19 Impact on Global Supply Chains during our Virtual Conference Kick-Off Meeting held last November 10, 2020. Take a look at our keynote speech and gain valuable insights by watching the video.

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Bendrovė „LTG Infra“ vasario 4 d. visus suinteresuotus tiekėjus supažindino su vykdomais projektais ir artimiausiais investicijų planais. Tokius pristatymus įmonė organizuoja, vykdydama strateginių investicijų programą, pagal kurią geležinkelių infrastruktūros modernizavimui ir plėtrai iki 2030 m. numatoma skirti 5,6 mlrd. Eur. Ketvirtus metus iš eilės organizuotame susitikime, šiemet vykusiame nuotoliniu būdu, dalyvavo 201 įmonių atstovas.

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Grand Wisdom, the second Very Large Ore Carrier (VLOC) to join the U-Ming Marine Transport fleet, has been delivered with a protective hull coating from Nippon Marine Paint’s A-LF Sea product range.

Tackling childhood obesity and improving access to healthy, sustainable food for disadvantaged communities are among the goals of two projects involving Cranfield University academics that will benefit from a slice of £24 million funding.


The magazine SEA has been published since 1935
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been published since 1999
The first magazine in Eurasia in the four languages: English, Chinese, Russian and Lithuanian


International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA
Minijos str. 93, LT-93234 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone/Fax: +370 46 365753
E-mail: news@jura.lt



Ltd. Juru informacijos centras

The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

ISSN 1392-7825

2017 © www.jura.lt