Date: 05.03.2019
Place: Moscow, Russia
3-rd International Conference ShippingRu 2019, hosted by VIVA CONSULT (March, 05.2019, Moscow, Russia) is a transport logistics business event, focusing on the in-depth consideration of topical issues relating to the current sea shipping market situation in Russia.
Against unstable world sea shipping market, high volatility of rates and time of delivery, sea shipping market in Russia faces difficult times due to the downtime and partial underutilization of the ports capacities. Nonetheless, the Russian shipping market, namely the container shipping, shows the positive growth. However, it happens mostly due to elevation of cooperation with shippers not the sufficient infrastructure development. National currency devaluation, caused by international sanctions, keeps creating good conditions for a strong competition between sea and railway transport.
High concentration (over 70%) of cargos in 10 biggest sea ports of Russia triggers the issues of the sea ports active development and implementation of new cargo terminals.
River transport, as a water transportation key constituent part, has not yet become an alternative for bulk cargos and mineral raw materials shipping. Which perspectives do seem reasonable and fundamental for the river fleet and the Russia’s single inland navigation system renovation?
Delegates’ profile:
Ports, terminals, forwarders, agents, container lines, shippers, ship owners, logistic associations, investing companies, FEZ.
Among the topics to be discussed:
- Infrastructural insufficiency. Construction of specialized handling terminals and development of long and short-range approaches to the sea ports.
- New railway ferries routes as an alternative for cargo traffic redirection in the Baltic Sea region.
- Current Russian container shipping market survey.
- Survey of the sea freight market. Bulk cargos.
- River transportation in Russia.
For all the questions as to participation in the conference please get in touch with the VIVA CONSULT team on tel.: +7(958)58-155-98, mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Looking forward to meeting you in Moscow!