The number of COVID-19 infection cases are growing at an alarming rate. What if something revolutionary could be done? That’s how UVIRESO came to be, an ultraviolet radiation respirator born through a 48-hour hack-a-thon during Hack-the-Crisis LT.
We pulled together a core team consisting of physicist & project manager Jonas Klimantavičius, electronic engineer Darius Kančys, mechanics engineer Donatas Puodžiukas and operations manager Adomas Klimantas. We have since grown to include team members distributed across the globe consisting of mentor and business entrepreneur, Andrius Žilėnas, communications lead Brigita Kavaliauskaitė, designers Mykolas Mirzinkevičius and Aušra Zuzevičiūtė, 3D modelling and animation lead Ignas Nefas and public relations advisor Skaidra Puodziunas.
Not just a regular mask
UVIRESO’s first prototype UVresp 1.0. will be different from most anti-virus masks on the market. Here are the key reasons:
= Maximum effectiveness - it is well established that UV radiation is capable of destroying 99% of airborne viruses. Our first UVresp masks will employ this technology to serve healthcare systems by cleaning air exhaled by a patient. Later models will purify inhaled air as well.
= Kills virus particles, not just holds them - most masks, however effective, only hold up viruses, but don’t instantly kill them. UVresp models will destroy the viruses giving no chance for them to be spread any other way. That is particularly crucial for intense hospital use.
= Multiple-use - our masks will be safe and easy to clean thanks to UV light’s ability to not leave any alive virus particles.
Early success
Of the 50+ project teams that participated in the hack-a-thon, distributed across ten countries, including over 1000 participants, UVIRESO (former EBRAVI) came out a top winner.
This included a monetary prize from world-renowned serial entrepreneur and TED Patron Vladas Lašas and a special prize from “INVENTSHIP” brand - problem solving SaaS SolvingMill licence.
The road ahead
Our greatest motivation is to save lives. If we can provide the healthcare community top quality respirators then we can prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Eventually, our goal is to develop a mask that can be distributed to the general public to fight not only the current coronavirus, but any virus globally. Learn more about us on the website and follow our progress on social media!