SPSG underlines commitment to sustainability by entering North Sea herring for another five years of MSC certification

2012 05 04

The MSC certified Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) North Sea herring fishery has entered MSC re-assessment in order to maintain its certification beyond 2013. MSC fishery certificates last for five years and – for a fishery to maintain its certificate – it must be reassessed in time for the expiry of the original certificate.

Claire Pescod, UK Fisheries Outreach Manager for the MSC says, “This is great news from a key fishery in Northern Europe. The SPSG’s stalwart support for the MSC has been a real driving force for the organisation in the region, with the four SPSG fisheries in the MSC programme accounting for 98% of SPSG’s annual catches of around 220,000MT. This is great timing from the SPSG – coming so closely after the certification of the West of Scotland herring fishery – and they have allowed themselves plenty of time to get the fishery recertified for its 2013 deadline.”

SPSG Chairman, John Goodlad said: “Our decision to seek re-assessment of our North Sea herring fishery illustrates the ongoing commitment of SPSG to the MSC program. North Sea herring was the first fishery we had certified and our experience of certification has been such that there was never any question that we would not seek re-assessment of this important Scottish fishery.”   

The SPSG North Sea herring fishery supplies key markets across Eastern and Northern Europe, Russia and former Soviet Republics with filleted frozen herring.  Fishing takes place during summer months – starting in June.

The assessment will be carried out by independent certifier, Food Certification International. Anyone with a stake in the fishery is invited to take part. If you would like to be involved, please contact Martin Gill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Source MSC

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The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
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