Ruslan to fly giant An-124-100 freighter to Uganda to assist UN in Sudan

2012 05 02

RUSLAN International, the Russian heavy air cargo charter specialist, is to launch a series of cargo flights using its giant An-124-100 freighter aircraft to Uganda on behalf of a United Nations Mission in Sudan.

Japanese peacekeeping troops will access power generators, non-combat vehicles, communication equipment and other supplies by using smaller aircraft and trucks into southern Sudan.

Ruslan, which markets and manages the combined Antonov An-124 fleets of its shareholders Volga Dnepr and Antonov Airlines' said the series of 15 cargo flights were able to successfully complete the large-scale mission without a hitch, reported Roswell, Georgia's Air Cargo World.

"The An-124 once again came into its own because of the variety and bulk of many of the items being moved," said its business development manager Michael Goodisman.

Washington, DC-based AERObridge, which coordinates emergency aviation response during disasters through experienced aviation specialists, will also act in support of the movement of supplies to eastern and western Africa in the coming few months.

Source Shipping Gazette - Daily Shipping News

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