For the first time! Charity excursion on the ocean liner occurred in the port of Odessa

2012 04 24

In the morning on April 23, 2012 the port of Odessa visited the liner Discovery (the length of 168 m, flag Bahamas). There were 600 passengers onboard, mostly British, Australian, Americans and New Zealanders. Odessa met the guests with music of municipal brass band and sun whether, perfectly suitable for familiarization tour. At 11 in the morning, when foreign visitors went for sight-seeing tours, the bus with inmates of boarding school №87 for visually impaired children approached the board of the ship.. According to information of ship’s captain Alexandr Tkachuk, British cruise company Voyages of Discovery supports few relief funds for diseased children in different countries, including well-known House Without Steps (Philippines), International Wheelchair-bound Children Fund and others. Thus, the charterer was kindly disposed towards the offer of the captain to accept the children onboard the ship. By force of crew members was organized familiarization tour and lection about the geography of navigation of the liner. After that the children were pleased by the concert. In addition the children were feed with lunch and presented with souvenirs. The pleasant impressions were mutual and possibly, the event may occur again during the second call of the liner to the port of Odessa (on October 2012).

Odessa Commercial Sea Port

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The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
published since 1999.

ISSN 1392-7825

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