US and Brazil implement aviation private public partnership

2012 04 20

THE US and Brazil have launched an "Aviation Partnership" that is described as being a public-private partnership aimed at enhancing bilateral cooperation in areas such as airport expansion, airspace management, safety and security.

"These programmes will support Brazil's aviation infrastructure development priorities, while connecting US companies to the growing business opportunities in the sector," said a statement from the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA).

It said that initially six companies will participate in the Aviation Partnership, alongside supporting US and Brazilian government agencies.

"Brazil and the United States have a long history of cooperation in the aviation sector, and the Aviation Partnership will open more opportunities to work together," said USTDA director Leocadia Zak. "We are excited to work together to support the growth of Brazil's dynamic aviation sector and deepen our commercial engagement with Brazil."

The launching of the Aviation Partnership during Brazil President Dilma Rousseff's visit to the United States is timed to better coordinate US engagement with Brazil in the aviation sector. "As a result of rapidly increasing air traffic because of Brazil's growing economy and the upcoming World Cup and Olympic Games, Brazil is facing an urgent need to increase its investments in aviation infrastructure in order to accommodate the expected growth. US companies are eager to connect to the export opportunities created by these investments," the official statement said.

The first official activities under the Aviation Partnership will commence in June when USTDA will host a delegation of Brazilian aviation officials on a reverse trade mission to the United States to familiarise themselves with US technologies, best practices, and regulatory approaches for airports modernization.

In October, USTDA will host a Latin American Aviation Summit in Miami, Florida, to introduce hundreds of US aviation company representatives to aviation officials from countries across Latin America, including Brazil.

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