Liebherr Container CranesLtd.strengthens NorthAmerican sales and service through closer integrationwith local Liebherr companies.

2021 03 22

600 liebhera
Liebherr-usa.jpgLiebherr ship to shore container cranes at the Port of New York and New Jersey

  • Liebherr USA Co. and Liebherr-CanadaLtd.formalisesales and service set-upwith Liebherr Container CranesLtd.
  • Improved service and support for Liebherr customers.

Killarney(Ireland),March 2021–Liebherr Container Cranes, a part of the Liebherr Maritime Cranes division has strengthened itssales and service presencein North America.

Liebherr divisions such asConstruction and EarthmovingutilisetheworldwideLiebherrnetwork of sales and service companies to providesales and service to its customers. Liebherr Container Cranes has traditionally managed sales and service from its base in Ireland.Now, as part of a programme of localised customer care,Liebherr Container Cranes has formalisedits sales and service presence viaLiebherr USACo. and Liebherr-CanadaLtd.

Theenhancedpresence means thatcustomers will benefit from closer and more personalsupportthrough a localised approach to sales and service.Liebherr Container Cranes will provide expert advice from their facility in Ireland, but day to day customer support and sparepart supply will be coordinated from Liebherr Canada and Liebherr USA.

Explaining further, David Griffin, Managing Director –Sales at Liebherr Container Cranes said “‘Liebherr USAand Liebherr Canada are very successful andadvanced Liebherr sales and service companies with well-established teams for our maritime business. It makes absolute sense for us to be closer to our North American client base with local personnel and resourcing. The factory in Killarney, Ireland is very excited about this huge advantage we can offer to our existing and potential customers in both the USA and Canada. Moves like this will
2/4allow us to ramp up in other respects at the factory, increase customer satisfactionand continue our long-termgrowthstrategy”.

Liebherr Container Cranes has a long tradition of crane supply to North America with one of the first Liebherr ship to shore container cranessupplied to Montreal in 1973.Since then Liebherr has continued to supply ship to shore and container stacking cranes to its customers in the USand Canada.

Source Liebherr



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The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
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