gmec rolls out first-ever platform for NGOs and international shipping companies to exchange views during SMM DIGITAL

2021 02 02

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Fridays For Future and conservation society NABU to discuss measures to combat climate change with global shipowners association BIMCO, containership owner MSC and the German engineering industry association VDMA

The 29th edition of the leading international maritime trade fair has been launched successfully. Until 5 February, experts will meet online to discuss the industry’s most pressing topics. At gmec – the global maritime environmental conference on 3 February, the focus will be on decarbonisation of the shipping industry. For the first time, a dedicated panel discussion will provide representatives of nature conservation NGOs with the opportunity to exchange views on climate change with major shipping companies. All conferences of SMM DIGITAL are free of charge for viewers.

Hamburg, 02-02-2021 – “Germany is slow. The EU is slow. The IMO roadmap is disastrously short-sighted,” is the assessment of Arnaud Boehmann. The Fridays For Future activist wishes the maritime industry would take a more active role in fighting climate change. For the online discussion with international shipping experts during gmec he will be joined by Sönke Diesener from Naturschutzbund (NABU), a German nature conservation organisation.

The maritime sector is the first global industry to commit to specific climate protection goals. Alternative fuels, ballast water management, efficient propulsion systems – environment protection measures the shipping industry is taking today will be explained by Lars Robert Pedersen from the Baltic and International Maritime Council, BIMCO; Bud Darr from the container shipping giant MSC; and Peter Müller-Baum from VDMA, the German engineering industry association. Can environmental organisations and the shipping industry find common ground in addressing climate protection? Viewers will find out by watching the free-of-charge streamed event at SMM DIGITAL on 3 February from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM CET.

“As part of SMM DIGITAL, gmec provides a great platform for discussing the best solutions for climate and environment in a transparent way. I am looking forward to a thought-provoking conversation between the experts,” says Claus Ulrich Selbach, Business Unit Director – Maritime and Technology Fairs & Exhibitions at Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH.

The SMM DIGITAL video stream can be watched on free of charge. There is no registration requirement.

Source Hamburg Messe und Congress


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