Jettainer rolls out plug&fly –a new basic ULD service developed for small and mid-sized airlines

2021 01 27

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Jettainer, the global leader in unit load device (ULD) management, has developed and launched plug&fly, a new basic version of its full-serviceULD solution. With plug&fly, Jettainer is breaking new ground: small and mid-sized airlines will now be able to unlock the benefits of outsourced ULD management in a way that is quick and easy. plug&fly helps airlines optimize their ULD fleet by 15 percent while making sure that the ULDs are available anywhere, at any time at transparent fixed prices.plug&fly is seamlessto implement and thus the fastest way to positively influencethe cost and efficiency of ULDs for an airline.

“Big  carriers  are  not  the  only  ones  who  get  to  enjoy  optimized  ULD  fleets  and  the  smart  global management  services  provided  by  Jettainer’s  industry  experts.  Many  other  airlines  with  fleets  of  up  to 2,000  ULDs  can  now  reap  the  rewards  too.  To  arrive  at  this  destination,  we  had  to  take  a  separate, more streamlined approach that we are now rolling out with plug&fly,” said Thomas Sonntag, Jettainer’s Managing Director.

Jettainer  offers  all  kinds  of  ways  to  customize  partnerships  with  airlines:  from  ULD  management  to maintenance  and  repair,  from  deploying  controllers  directly  at  the  customer’s  premises  to  many  other additional  services.  Yet, thesetailored  full-service  solutions  do  not  meet  the  needs  of  each  andevery airline.

Leveraging a wealth of possible ULD services, Jettainer has therefore developed a basic product with a fixed pricing model that is guided by the number of ULDs. These assetsremain the customer’s property. By  optimising  the  ULD  fleet  quantity,  Jettainer  generates  direct  and  immediate  cost  savings  for  the customer. These savings come in addition to reduced costs for airlines ́ own ITand coordinationefforts, whicharetypically incurredwith inhouse solutions.Jettainer  uses an integrated ITsolution harnessingartificial  intelligence,  ensuring  realtime  visibility  of  ULDs  and  inventories.  Jettainer’s  customers  also benefit from itsglobal networkand inherent synergies in ULD positioning: plug&fly offers the premium-quality  management  services  that  the  global  market  leader’s  customers  have  come  to  rely  on, guaranteeing that ULDs are available within the network anywhere and at any time. This allows airlines to  increase  thefocus  on  their  core  business  while  experiencing  continued  flexibilityand  full  cost transparency.

“plug&fly takes the hassle out of ULD management for the customer. By focusing on the core service, it offers customers a quick, easyand transparent way to realize cost advantages," Sonntagadded.

Source Jettainer


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The magazine JŪRA has been published since 1935.
International business magazine JŪRA MOPE SEA has been
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